He Suddenly Starts Demanding Space in the
Your boyfriend really shouldn't be asking for more space in
your relationship if there have not been any changes in the way either of you
behave. His demands to be left alone could be because he doesn't enjoy being
with you the same way that he did before.
Calmly ask your guy why he wants more space. If he says
something specific, deal with it and get it over with. But if he says something
vague and has no clear reasons why he suddenly wants you to take a step back,
his love for you may be fizzling out.
He Starts Comparing You to Other Girls
A guy should never say something to a girl that makes her
feel less beautiful, less talented, or less of a woman than someone else. The
slightest hints of comparisons made between you and any other girl should be a
warning sign.
Comparing your behavior, looks, or any other aspect of
personality with another woman suggests a deep-rooted resentment driving a
sense of frustration. Here are some examples of how a guy's cruel words may
mean that he is falling out of love with his girl:
- Why can't you dress like her?
- She carries such a lot of confidence when she speaks, why can't you do the same?
- Maybe you should learn a thing or two about style from her.
- You are such a jealous girlfriend, why can't you be like my best friend's girl? She is always relaxed and calm.
If your guy does this once, let him know that you will not
tolerate being compared to another girl. Ask him how he would feel if you
compared him with another guy. And if he still continues to do so, it may be a
sign that he doesn't love you the same way he used to.
He Stops Replying to Your Texts or Takes a Long Time to Reply
Has he stopped replying to your texts? It could be a sign
that he's not that into you.
One of the first signs that your boyfriend is really
beginning to lose his feelings for you is when he stops replying to your texts.
This is the moment when he is out with his friends, he gets a beep on his
phone, and he makes a dirty face when he sees that it is a text from you.
You will immediately notice this twist in his behavior
because he will suddenly start taking longer than usual to reply to your texts.
In the beginning, he will have all sorts of excuses for taking such a long
time. But after a point, he will simply get irritated and lose his temper every
time you ask him why he took so long. This is the moment when you must realize
that the love in your relationship has been taken down a notch.
He Starts Spending Most of His Time with
His Friends
Everyday relationship problems, fights, and arguments often
drive a couple apart to the point where they stop hanging out with each other.
But usually this distance is temporary, lasting only until the silly arguments
have been sorted out.
If your boyfriend has cut down on the time he spends with
you and increased the amount of time he hangs out with his buddies, ask him if
something is bothering him. If he is doing it unknowingly, he will do whatever
he can to make you feel that nothing is wrong.
On the other hand, if he is deliberately avoiding you because
he doesn't feel the same way about you anymore, he will fumble for a reason.
Take this as a sign that his love for you is on the decline.
He Starts Becoming Extremely Selfish in the
Does he only care about his work/routine and refuse to
recognize that you need attention as well?
When a guy starts losing interest in his relationship, his
behavior will likely take a very selfish turn. He will become more
inconsiderate and self-centered in his interactions with you. Here are some of
the classic signs you should watch out for.
- He starts becoming extremely selfish in bed.
- All he cares about is his routine, his studies, his work, and his friends.
- He stops asking you for your opinion on where you both go out on dates.
- He doesn't acknowledge his self-centered behavior even after you have pointed it out to him.
He Gets Irritated When You Start a Mushy Conversation
Mushy conversations and cute names are a playful part of a
couple's love life. These things slowly taper off as the puppy-love effect
wears off, but they still remain deep-rooted in everyday behavior.
Your guy's annoyance may be justified if you overdo it by
calling him cute names all day long. But an overall aversion to anything
lovey-dovey can be a sign that he is no longer invested in the relationship.
He Stopped Saying "I Love
A guy and a girl usually start saying "I love you"
to each other once they move past the first phase of dating. If your
relationship developed into the "I love you" stage a long time ago,
there is no reason why your boyfriend should suddenly feel averse to saying
these three beautiful words to you. As cheesy as it sounds, if he stops saying
them, it is a strong sign that that he isn't as into you as he was before.
He Doesn't Bother to Comfort You, Even When You Are
If he doesn't comfort you when you're feeling blue, he's not
reacting as a boyfriend should.
A man who is in love will always recognize when his loved
one is sad or in distress, and will do whatever it takes to bring a smile back
to her face. This is true regardless of how much a couple fights or argues. No
guy can call himself a boyfriend if he does nothing when he knows that
something is bothering his girl.
Hugging a girl when she looks sad and rubbing her shoulders
when she is down should be a boyfriend's instincts. If your guy doesn't do any
of that and turns a blind eye even when you are feeling blue, it can be a sign
that he doesn't love you with the same intensity that he did before.
He Digs up Regrettable Incidents from Your
Everyone knows how painful it feels when someone reminds you
of memories that have scarred you emotional and psychologically. It takes a
person many years to forget someone, let go of bitter memories, and move on
from the regret of doing stupid things.
Your boyfriend has no reason to dig up painful memories from
your past and fling them at you when you have an argument. This is one boundary
that partners must not cross, because it can be very damaging to someone's
If your guy has recently started slinging your past regrets
at you with a hurtful intent, his feelings for you may have already bottomed
He Doesn't Flirt with You Any More
Flirting speaks volumes about the chemistry a couple shares.
No matter how long you have been in the same relationship, your boyfriend
should typically be flirting with you by:
- Giving you compliments when you wear something new
- Picking random moments to tell you how beautiful you are
- Staring at you and looking into your eyes when you are both alone
- Make you feel sexy by telling you how attractive you are
Of course, your guy isn't expected to be Prince Charming all
the time. But he should be taking the initiative to start such romantic
conversations every now and then.
The Spark of Physical Intimacy Fizzles Out in Your
Snuggling and physical contact is normal in a relationship.
If you find yourselves maintaining your distance from one another, that's a
sign something is wrong.
When a guy starts falling out of love, it will reflect in his
hugs, kisses, and cuddles. The chemistry of physical intimacy that you share
with your guy says a lot about your relationship. Ask yourself these questions
if you think that your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore:
- Do you still share those long hugs that you used to when you started dating him?
- Does your boyfriend cuddle you when you are all by yourselves?
Thinking about these things will immediately give you a fair
idea of whether your boyfriend is still totally into you or has gotten bored in
the relationship. Another sign of a lack of emotional connect is when your sex
life is either non-existent or it has gotten to the point that it feels
He Gets Angry and Loses His Cool without Any Reason
People lose their tempers for any number of reasons,
including doing poorly at school, having rough times at work, feeling bullied,
or going through family problems.
If your boyfriend seems to be edgy all the time and loses
his temper at non-issues, try to find out the reason for his anger. If you
can't seem to pin-point any specific causes, his random flare-ups could simply
mean that he is irritated by you and the relationship.
He Suddenly Starts Getting Annoyed by
Some of Your Habits
Has your boyfriend recently started pointing out little
stuff in your everyday behavior, claiming that you annoy him endlessly? Ask
yourself these questions if he suddenly feels that some of your habits are
driving him crazy.
- Did you have these habits before you met him?
- Had any of those habits created problems in the relationship before?
Make a mental note of whether you have had those habits
since the beginning of your relationship. If you did, then why is your
boyfriend suddenly becoming averse to them? Ask the same question to him. If he
doesn't have an answer for you, the real answer probably lies in his heart,
which doesn't beat for you anymore.